SaaS Surf

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October 30, 2022

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October 30, 2022

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🥳 Interview with the founder...

What is the problem you're trying to solve by building SaaS Surf?

I originally built it to keep track of useful and interesting online tools and products that I wanted to save and potentially use. However, published it online to share these tools with other makers.

Any tool/SaaS you couldn't have built SaaS Surf without?

Probably Netlify + Jamstack, which is the easiest and cheapest way to deploy a website/web app and accept form submissions.

How did you get your first 100 users?

We aren't a subscription-based business and mostly rely on traffic. Our highest traffic point was definitely our Product Hunt launch.

What was your top priority when designing your homepage?

Organizing all the tools into their specific categories for easier navigation and showing the most useful tools that we've found thus far.

Have you considered selling SaaS Surf?

I have considered it, but am not actively looking to sell at this time.

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SaaS Surf

The best tools, resources and products curated for developers and entrepreneurs



Published on

October 30, 2022


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